Visual Design students win grand prize at the National Intelligence Service's 'Drug-Free Korea NIS Video Contest'
- 24.11.11 / 이정민
Lee Eon-yong (21), Lee Chan-hee (20), and Cho Beom-jin (21), students of the Department of Visual Design at the College of Fine Arts, won the grand prize at the 'Drug-Free Korea NIS Video Contest' organized by the National Intelligence Service.
The contest was organized for students to raise awareness about drug misuse and encourage the participation of youth and young adults in preventing drug crimes. The film titled 'WAKE UP', created by three students from the Department of Visual Design, was proudly selected as the grand prize winner after being evaluated by an internal jury and external advisors who reviewed a large number of submissions over a two-month period from August 5 to September 30.
“WAKE UP” uses filmed footage to create AI prompts and uses Luma Dream Machine (a generative AI program) to express the distorted mindset and suffering of a drug addict. The location is split between two locations, with the first shot of the running scene showing the protagonist's addiction to the illusions created by the drug, and the second shot of the character's inappropriate fantasies leading to the dangerous reality of jumping into the river. This conveys the message that taking drugs will eventually lead to a more miserable and ruined reality than the current one.
Scenes from 'WAKE UP', the grand prize winner of the NIS Video Competition for a Drug-Free Korea
“I was proud to be able to send the right message to society through the video,” said Lee, ”and I think the application of generative AI technology was able to shine even brighter because it was based on basic video production skills.
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Visual Design students win grand prize at the National Intelligence Service's 'Drug-Free Korea NIS Video Contest' |
Lee Eon-yong (21), Lee Chan-hee (20), and Cho Beom-jin (21), students of the Department of Visual Design at the College of Fine Arts, won the grand prize at the 'Drug-Free Korea NIS Video Contest' organized by the National Intelligence Service.
The contest was organized for students to raise awareness about drug misuse and encourage the participation of youth and young adults in preventing drug crimes. The film titled 'WAKE UP', created by three students from the Department of Visual Design, was proudly selected as the grand prize winner after being evaluated by an internal jury and external advisors who reviewed a large number of submissions over a two-month period from August 5 to September 30.
“WAKE UP” uses filmed footage to create AI prompts and uses Luma Dream Machine (a generative AI program) to express the distorted mindset and suffering of a drug addict. The location is split between two locations, with the first shot of the running scene showing the protagonist's addiction to the illusions created by the drug, and the second shot of the character's inappropriate fantasies leading to the dangerous reality of jumping into the river. This conveys the message that taking drugs will eventually lead to a more miserable and ruined reality than the current one.
Scenes from 'WAKE UP', the grand prize winner of the NIS Video Competition for a Drug-Free Korea
“I was proud to be able to send the right message to society through the video,” said Lee, ”and I think the application of generative AI technology was able to shine even brighter because it was based on basic video production skills.