[ Kookmin Review - Tuesday, Oct 4, 2011 ]
Students Increase Mutual Understanding Through Counseling
- 11.10.12 / 이영선
The KMU Counseling Center offers lectures and counseling programs for Kookminians. This article introduces their activities, and what students have to say.
Under the theme of ‘gender equality,’ the KMU Counseling Center held a lecture on September 9th in Bukak Hall. Students listened attentively to that was spoken the lecturer, who spoke with warmth and humor about such serious issues as dating violence, and emphasized the importance of gender equality. Showing scenes from some popular dramas and advertisements, the lecturer stressed that misconceptions about the differences between male and female is rampant in our media and society. Participating students learned new ways of looking at the gender issue and were given the opportunity to think about certain situations that they might never have thoughts of as problems.
There is a group counseling program to promote self-understanding and finding a career-path as well. The following interview is with five students who participated in the group on September 14th, the first day of the program. (This interview was conducted in writing and anonymously. Every student except ‘Student E’ is a senior.)
Review : What made you want to participate in this program?
Student A : There is only one semester left before graduation. Getting a job and finding my aptitude are such big worries for me and my friends. I came to get advice about how to allay my anxiety.
Student B : I have had little opportunity to understand or think about myself. Knowing myself and my desires will calm my fears about the future, I think.
Review: Have you ever had career counseling before?
Student C : I once consulted with my acquaintances. Through listening to other people’s situations, I could pull my thoughts together.
Student D : I have that kind of experience too. Hearing other people’s different plans for their future, I realize that choosing a profession is a really demanding work.
Review : How would you evaluate this program? What did you learn by participating in the counseling program?
Student E (Junior) : Only a small number of students can participate in this program. With a focus on the individual student, we were provided with a more in-depth guide for reflecting on ourselves.
Student C : After a heart-to-heart talk where we shared our thoughts with each other, I felt more empathy for other people’s situations.
Student A : I could speak about what’s worrying me. That was a great consolation to me.
Reporter Kim Ji-Su
[ Kookmin Review - Tuesday, Oct 4, 2011 ] Students Increase Mutual Understanding Through Counseling |
The KMU Counseling Center offers lectures and counseling programs for Kookminians. This article introduces their activities, and what students have to say. There is a group counseling program to promote self-understanding and finding a career-path as well. The following interview is with five students who participated in the group on September 14th, the first day of the program. (This interview was conducted in writing and anonymously. Every student except ‘Student E’ is a senior.) Review : What made you want to participate in this program? Review : How would you evaluate this program? What did you learn by participating in the counseling program? |