How Are Our Foreign Students Doing?
- 15.05.28 / 박차현
With the phenomena of globalization and keen interest in pursuing global opportunities by individuals an overseas education is becoming quite prominent. Within Kookmin University, there are many foreign students studying. Let’s explore the university life of foreign students at Kookmin University.
1. Can you introduce yourself?
Zheng Chang Qing: I am from China and I have been in Korea for 4 years. I currently major in advertisement.
Vyshemirskaya Olga: I am from Russia and I have been here for 3 years. I am studying communication science in graduate school.
Zhao Tong: I am also from China and I have been here for 4 months. I major in Korean in graduate school.
2. How did you come about coming to Korea?
Zheng Chang Qing: Initially I came to Korea to study advertisement, but my mind changed as time passed by. I now want to study more about Korean language.
Vyshemirskaya Olga: I originally came to Korea to study at the Korean language school in Kookmin University. After completing my studies at the language school, a teacher recommended me to pursue further studies in the graduate school. Hence, I am currently studying communication science in Kookmin graduate school.
Zhao Tong: I majored in Korean in China, and the reason for my stay in Korea is because I thought that it would be useful to have overseas study experience in Korea.
3. What do you think were the benefits of your stay in Korea and were there any difficulties that you encountered in Korea?
Zheng Chang Qing: The local people are very kind and have great manners. Since Korea is geographically smaller than China, it is very comfortable and easy to travel to diverse places.
However, the hilly terrain makes me tiresome.
Vyshemirskaya Olga: I think it is comfortable living in Seoul. Seoul is a safe place and the prices are lower than Russia. In Russia, people usually meet friends at home, but in Korea, people hang out outside more often which I think is great. For the downside, I sometimes feel uncomfortable because people are physically too close to me. In Russia, the houses are constructed so that there are gaps between houses and there are fences around houses. In Korea, there are no gaps between houses which I think deprives of my private space.
Zhao Tong: In graduate school, both students in the masters and doctors programs can enroll in same lectures. So the skill differences among the students are great and that can make the classes more difficult.
4. Do you have many Korean friends? How do foreign students get to know Korean students?
Zheng Chang Qing: I usually like to play soccer, and that is when I joined the soccer team called ‘Focus’. After realizing that within my major there was a soccer team, I transferred to it. During my participation in the soccer team, I got to know many seniors and juniors.
Vyshemirskaya Olga: It is a shame that there aren’t that many Korean students in the graduate school. Amongst the 14 students in my class, only 3 are Korean students. Therefore, I do not have that many Korean friends. Also, what prevents me from meeting many Korean students is that students in graduate school cannot join school clubs.
Zhao Tong: I haven’t been in Korea for long, so I do not have many Korean friends too. I usually hang out with my roommate.
5. How do you spend your spare time?
Zheng Chang Qing: I play soccer with Korean students and outside of school, I play with Chinese students.
Vyshemirskaya Olga: I love dogs, so I go to dog cafes with my friends. Also, I like to watch movies and I casually eat food with friends. I do not drink that often.
Zhao Tong: I like to watch Korean dramas so I watch Korean dramas often.
6. Do you have any extracurricular activity recommendations to Kookmin University students?
Zheng Chang Qing: I think it would be excellent to have a society club that is made up of both Koreans and foreign students. It would be great to provide opportunities for foreign students to get to meet and have relationships with the local students.
Vyshemirskaya Olga: I am satisfied with the level of activeness in Kookmin University. In Russia, students simply study and there aren’t that many society clubs to join.
Zhao Tong: I want there to be a society club for graduate school students to join.
This is the university life of foreign students in Kookmin University. It seems as though it is not that easy for foreign students to settle into the new settings in a foreign nation and to create bonds with the local students. It is something that the local students have to try to extend themselves to foreign students and create global bonds.
- The Kookmin Review
How Are Our Foreign Students Doing? |
- The Kookmin Review |