Professor Choi jin sik of Kookmin University receives Presidential Commendation for his contribution to regulatory innovation / Professor Choi jin sik (Department of Public Administration)
- 25.01.15 / 이정민
On the 13th, Professor Choi jin sik (pictured) of the Department of Public Administration at Kookmin University received the Presidential Award in recognition of his contribution to innovation in killer and livelihood regulations.
The Office of Government Policy Coordination said the reason for the award was that it had contributed to improving regulations as a member of the Regulatory Review Committee, including rationalizing the periodic inspection cycle for automobiles, sharing the use of manufacturing facilities for human and veterinary drugs, and appointing mechanical equipment maintenance managers.
The regulatory review system is a system in which a regulatory review board composed of private experts, departing from the existing government-led regulatory reform method, determines the appropriateness of the relevant regulations based on the opinions of stakeholders and the competent ministry, and the results of public opinion surveys, and recommends improvements to the relevant regulations if the competent ministry fails to prove the necessity and validity of the regulations.
Professor Choi said, “I hope that the regulatory review system will continue to be a regulatory improvement platform that improves regulations that cause inconvenience or burden to the lives of the people and corporate activities from the perspective of the people, companies, and policy demanders.”
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Professor Choi jin sik of Kookmin University receives Presidential Commendation for his contribution to regulatory innovation / Professor Choi jin sik (Department of Public Administration) |
On the 13th, Professor Choi jin sik (pictured) of the Department of Public Administration at Kookmin University received the Presidential Award in recognition of his contribution to innovation in killer and livelihood regulations.
The Office of Government Policy Coordination said the reason for the award was that it had contributed to improving regulations as a member of the Regulatory Review Committee, including rationalizing the periodic inspection cycle for automobiles, sharing the use of manufacturing facilities for human and veterinary drugs, and appointing mechanical equipment maintenance managers.
The regulatory review system is a system in which a regulatory review board composed of private experts, departing from the existing government-led regulatory reform method, determines the appropriateness of the relevant regulations based on the opinions of stakeholders and the competent ministry, and the results of public opinion surveys, and recommends improvements to the relevant regulations if the competent ministry fails to prove the necessity and validity of the regulations.
Professor Choi said, “I hope that the regulatory review system will continue to be a regulatory improvement platform that improves regulations that cause inconvenience or burden to the lives of the people and corporate activities from the perspective of the people, companies, and policy demanders.”