Won the Minister of Education Award for the development of humanities and social convergence talent training / Professor Moon, IkJoon (China Political Economy) and Park, Chang-Gun (Japanese Studies)
- 25.01.06 / 이정민
Professor Moon, IkJoon (Department of Chinese Politics and Economics, Kookmin University) Professor Park, Chang-Gun (Department of Japanese Studies, Kookmin University)
HUSS Environmental Consortium (Humanities and Social Sciences Convergence Talent Development Project) Kookmin University (President: Chung Seung-ryul) Climate Change Response Project Team (Director: Professor Yoon Hee Kang (Russia and Eurasia)) Professor Moon, IkJoon (Chinese Political Economy) and Professor Park, Chang-Gun (Japan) were awarded the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Education Commendation for their contributions to the promotion of industry-academia cooperation and the development of education for the cultivation of humanities and social convergence talents.
Professor Moon, IkJoon, who participated as the vice-chairman of the Climate Change Response Project Team, designed the regular curriculum and organically linked the extra-curricular programs, greatly contributing to the development of future-oriented convergence talents.
Professor Park, Chang-Gun played an important role in the project by actively participating in the project's deliberation, decision-making, and operation as a member of the Project Steering Committee, Curriculum Review Committee, and Project Management Committee.
This award is the result of the high evaluation of the dedicated efforts of our university professors to spread sustainable environmental education and industry-academia cooperation models. The awardees said, “We will do our best to develop industry-academia cooperation and education for the development of convergence talents.”
Meanwhile, the Kookmin University Climate Change Response Project (led by Professor Yoon Hee Kang (Russia/Eurasia)) also said, “This award has served as an opportunity to show that the HUSS Environmental Consortium, which has Kookmin University as its host university, is establishing itself as a place of education that is taking the lead in solving global environmental problems.”
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Won the Minister of Education Award for the development of humanities and social convergence talent training / Professor Moon, IkJoon (China Political Economy) and Park, Chang-Gun (Japanese Studies) |
Professor Moon, IkJoon (Department of Chinese Politics and Economics, Kookmin University) Professor Park, Chang-Gun (Department of Japanese Studies, Kookmin University)
HUSS Environmental Consortium (Humanities and Social Sciences Convergence Talent Development Project) Kookmin University (President: Chung Seung-ryul) Climate Change Response Project Team (Director: Professor Yoon Hee Kang (Russia and Eurasia)) Professor Moon, IkJoon (Chinese Political Economy) and Professor Park, Chang-Gun (Japan) were awarded the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Education Commendation for their contributions to the promotion of industry-academia cooperation and the development of education for the cultivation of humanities and social convergence talents.
Professor Moon, IkJoon, who participated as the vice-chairman of the Climate Change Response Project Team, designed the regular curriculum and organically linked the extra-curricular programs, greatly contributing to the development of future-oriented convergence talents.
Professor Park, Chang-Gun played an important role in the project by actively participating in the project's deliberation, decision-making, and operation as a member of the Project Steering Committee, Curriculum Review Committee, and Project Management Committee.
This award is the result of the high evaluation of the dedicated efforts of our university professors to spread sustainable environmental education and industry-academia cooperation models. The awardees said, “We will do our best to develop industry-academia cooperation and education for the development of convergence talents.”
Meanwhile, the Kookmin University Climate Change Response Project (led by Professor Yoon Hee Kang (Russia/Eurasia)) also said, “This award has served as an opportunity to show that the HUSS Environmental Consortium, which has Kookmin University as its host university, is establishing itself as a place of education that is taking the lead in solving global environmental problems.”