Selected as a recipient of the Korea Research Foundation's Research Grant for Master's Students / Seung-Hyun Hong (M.S. 23, Department of Forest and Environmental Systems, Graduate School of General Studies)
- 24.10.21 / 이정민
Seung Hyun Hong, a master's student in the Eco Network & Dynamic Science Lab (NDSLab) of the Department of Forest and Environmental Systems at Kookmin University's Graduate School of General Studies, has been selected for the second round of the National Research Foundation of Korea's 2024 Master's Research Grant Program.
Seunghyun Hong's research is titled 'A Study to Evaluate the Utilization of Process-based Models to Improve Carbon Storage and Flux Assessment in Domestic Forest Ecosystems'.
In this study, Hong aims to evaluate the potential for domestic use of international forest material cycle models and optimize them for domestic forest environments to improve national GHG inventory methodologies. Hong's research is expected to contribute to the development of R&D and policy foundations for enhancing the carbon absorption capacity of domestic forests.
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Selected as a recipient of the Korea Research Foundation's Research Grant for Master's Students / Seung-Hyun Hong (M.S. 23, Department of Forest and Environmental Systems, Graduate School of General Studies) |
Seung Hyun Hong, a master's student in the Eco Network & Dynamic Science Lab (NDSLab) of the Department of Forest and Environmental Systems at Kookmin University's Graduate School of General Studies, has been selected for the second round of the National Research Foundation of Korea's 2024 Master's Research Grant Program.
In this study, Hong aims to evaluate the potential for domestic use of international forest material cycle models and optimize them for domestic forest environments to improve national GHG inventory methodologies. Hong's research is expected to contribute to the development of R&D and policy foundations for enhancing the carbon absorption capacity of domestic forests.