'Civil Engineering Day' Awarded by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport / Professor Oh Chang Kook (Construction Systems Engineering)
- 24.04.19 / 박서연
Professor Oh Chang Kook, a professor of construction systems engineering at KU, received a commendation from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport at the '27th Civil Engineering Day 2024' event held on March 29 (Friday) at the Construction Hall in Gangnam-gu, Seoul.
Professor Oh Chang Kook has served as the chairman of the Executive Committee of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers and vice chairman of the Planning Committee, as well as various committees (Future Technology Committee for the 70th Anniversary Project, Technical Education Committee, Editorial Committee, Events Committee, International Committee, and Revitalization TF for the Professional Committee). He has also served in various professional roles in related societies, including the Civil Seismic Design Committee, Structural Diagnosis Committee, Shear and Torsion Committee, Seismic Design Committee, Academic Committee, and Editorial Committee.
He received his Ph.D. degree in engineering from California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), USA, and did postdoctoral research at Carnegie Mellon University, and has been a professor at Kookmin University since 2010. He has been recognized for his contributions as a civil engineer by conducting research on smart safety technology using artificial intelligence algorithms, seismic analysis and seismic reinforcement technology for concrete column/bridge structures and plant fluid storage structures, fatigue design of ultra-long span bridges and development of infinite fatigue life system.
"As the future construction industry will take a leap forward through intelligent and innovative smart construction technology triggered by digital technology, I would like to contribute to fostering a competitive future generation of smart construction professionals through smart construction technology education that incorporates advanced computer technology," said Professor Oh Chang Kook.
This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns.
'Civil Engineering Day' Awarded by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport / Professor Oh Chang Kook (Construction Systems Engineering) |
Professor Oh Chang Kook, a professor of construction systems engineering at KU, received a commendation from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport at the '27th Civil Engineering Day 2024' event held on March 29 (Friday) at the Construction Hall in Gangnam-gu, Seoul.