Kookmin University holds the 2025 academic year entrance ceremony, and President Jung Seung-ryul and the deans hold a meeting with parents to communicate
- 25.03.07 / 이정민
The entrance ceremony for the 2025 academic year at Kookmin University (President Jung Seung-ryul) was held on Tuesday, March 4, at the concert hall in the afternoon. About 600 people attended the ceremony, including new students and their parents, as well as the president and the heads of the departments.
In the first part of the ceremony, President Jung Seung-ryul introduced the overall status of the university and its mid- to long-term vision to new students and their parents. In his congratulatory speech, President Jung said, “The ‘challenging citizen’ that Kookmin University values is a person with a strong spirit and a sense of social responsibility who is not afraid of failure, constantly explores new possibilities, and leads innovation.” He added, “I hope that you will gain a wide range of experience through your college life, take on challenges that will push you beyond your limits, and grow into a true ‘challenging citizen.’”
“Kookmin University has been making remarkable progress recently,” said President Jung. ”The campus environment and educational infrastructure are being improved to the state-of-the-art, and the university is playing a leading role in cutting-edge academic fields such as artificial intelligence and future mobility, and is highly regarded by the government and industry.” Finally, he emphasized, “In this trend of innovation, I hope that you will grow to become the best experts in your respective fields and further enhance the school's reputation.” Then, there was a symbolic moment in which the School of Performing Arts performed a celebratory performance and alumni taught the school song to the new students.
In the second part, a meeting with parents was held with the heads of departments, including President Jung Seung-ryul. A Kookmin University official said, “The heads of relevant departments, including those in charge of academics, school life, exchange student programs, and employment, communicated directly with the parents of new students.” “Since this is a time when parents are particularly interested, the university headquarters will actively support the new students so that they can enjoy a fun and fulfilling college life.”
This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns. If you find any, please send your feedback to kookminpr@kookmin.ac.kr so we can correct them.
Kookmin University holds the 2025 academic year entrance ceremony, and President Jung Seung-ryul and the deans hold a meeting with parents to communicate |
The entrance ceremony for the 2025 academic year at Kookmin University (President Jung Seung-ryul) was held on Tuesday, March 4, at the concert hall in the afternoon. About 600 people attended the ceremony, including new students and their parents, as well as the president and the heads of the departments.
In the first part of the ceremony, President Jung Seung-ryul introduced the overall status of the university and its mid- to long-term vision to new students and their parents. In his congratulatory speech, President Jung said, “The ‘challenging citizen’ that Kookmin University values is a person with a strong spirit and a sense of social responsibility who is not afraid of failure, constantly explores new possibilities, and leads innovation.” He added, “I hope that you will gain a wide range of experience through your college life, take on challenges that will push you beyond your limits, and grow into a true ‘challenging citizen.’”
“Kookmin University has been making remarkable progress recently,” said President Jung. ”The campus environment and educational infrastructure are being improved to the state-of-the-art, and the university is playing a leading role in cutting-edge academic fields such as artificial intelligence and future mobility, and is highly regarded by the government and industry.” Finally, he emphasized, “In this trend of innovation, I hope that you will grow to become the best experts in your respective fields and further enhance the school's reputation.” Then, there was a symbolic moment in which the School of Performing Arts performed a celebratory performance and alumni taught the school song to the new students.
In the second part, a meeting with parents was held with the heads of departments, including President Jung Seung-ryul. A Kookmin University official said, “The heads of relevant departments, including those in charge of academics, school life, exchange student programs, and employment, communicated directly with the parents of new students.” “Since this is a time when parents are particularly interested, the university headquarters will actively support the new students so that they can enjoy a fun and fulfilling college life.”