National in the Media Delegation Visits Kinki University of Japan to Discuss 2+2 Dual Degrees
- 24.11.06 / 이정민
On November 1, a delegation from the Office of International Exchange of Kindai University in Japan visited the university. In February 2024, KU signed a 2+2 dual degree agreement with Kindai University, the first of its kind with a Japanese university, and this meeting was held for follow-up discussions.
Since the initial agreement was signed in 2015, the two universities have continued their friendly relationship through exchange students and Korean language programs for nine years since 2016. As the two universities will begin offering dual degrees in 2025, they pledged to further expand the scope of exchanges and cooperation between the two universities to continue their close and developing relationship.
The ceremony was attended by Yoshihiro Omura, Vice President for International Exchange, Tomoyuki Yazawa, Dean of International Studies, Yoon Ok Lee, Professor of International Studies, Yashiro Yamane, Director of the International Student Center, and Keiko Matsukawa, Head of the Department of International Studies at Kindai University, while President Seung-ryeol Jung, Dean of International Exchange, Sung-wook Lee, Dean of International Education, Dong-eun Lee, Dean of Global Humanities and Regional Studies, and Seung-ho Baek, Dean of Korean Language and Literature at KU.
The visit is significant because it is the first dual-degree agreement signed with a university in each other's country, and it is expected to further enhance international exchanges as students from KU's College of Global Humanities and Regional Studies and KU's International Studies Department will study at each other's universities for two years from March 2025.
Kinki University has signed an MOU for international exchange with Woori University in 2015, and since then, the two universities have signed an exchange study agreement and a dual degree agreement. As part of this exchange agreement, Kinki University's Korean language course for undergraduate students majoring in East Asian Studies at the Faculty of International Studies operates a special one-year Korean and English course at the Korean Language Education Center of Woori University's International Education Center, and as of February 2024, 151 students have completed the course.
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National in the Media Delegation Visits Kinki University of Japan to Discuss 2+2 Dual Degrees |
On November 1, a delegation from the Office of International Exchange of Kindai University in Japan visited the university. In February 2024, KU signed a 2+2 dual degree agreement with Kindai University, the first of its kind with a Japanese university, and this meeting was held for follow-up discussions.
Since the initial agreement was signed in 2015, the two universities have continued their friendly relationship through exchange students and Korean language programs for nine years since 2016. As the two universities will begin offering dual degrees in 2025, they pledged to further expand the scope of exchanges and cooperation between the two universities to continue their close and developing relationship.
Kinki University has signed an MOU for international exchange with Woori University in 2015, and since then, the two universities have signed an exchange study agreement and a dual degree agreement. As part of this exchange agreement, Kinki University's Korean language course for undergraduate students majoring in East Asian Studies at the Faculty of International Studies operates a special one-year Korean and English course at the Korean Language Education Center of Woori University's International Education Center, and as of February 2024, 151 students have completed the course.