News Plus

President JEONG, SEUNG RYUL hosts 78th anniversary staff concert

  • 24.10.16 / 이정민
Date 2024-10-16 Hit 2259



Kookmin University (President JEONG, SEUNG RYUL) held a talk concert for employees on Friday, October 11, as part of the KMU PRIDE WEEK weekly events to celebrate the 78th anniversary of its founding. The event was attended by President JEONG, SEUNG RYUL, vice presidents, deans, and more than 300 staff members, and was warmly received.


President JEONG, SEUNG RYUL took the opportunity to review with employees the changes and innovations that have been made in the past year since his inauguration, and to express his gratitude to all employees for their hard work for the development of the university.







In his keynote speech, President JEONG,  expressed his gratitude, saying, “Although we are facing many difficulties due to the decline in the school-age population, the united efforts of the vice presidents and staff at the university headquarters to turn the crisis into an opportunity have enabled us to achieve many outstanding external achievements over the past year, including the S-grade for the University Innovation Support Project for the second consecutive year, the first-ever employment rate of 70.5%, entering the top 10 in the university brand evaluation, and recruiting the largest number of students (30.4%) for the autonomous selection system for majors in metropolitan universities.”


“Internally, many meaningful and substantial policies and systems have been developed,” Chung said, ‘In the area of faculty conditions, we have made efforts to build a more systematic space management and strengthen research competitiveness, and in the area of personnel management, we have made great efforts to design a personnel system that can be treated objectively and fairly.’ He also evaluated the past year.


He also highlighted three core values to focus on going forward: paradigm shift, internationalization, and infrastructure. “We need to make a paradigm shift in the direction of reorganizing the education system to be more consumer-centered, which will ultimately increase the branding value of the university,” said JEONG. ”We will continue to open bachelor's programs to strengthen the perception of the university as a university that is at the forefront of internationalization, and we will continue to develop infrastructure with the goal of building hardware that fits the diversifying software environment, and we will work together with our employees to overcome various difficulties.”


After the keynote speech, there was a Q&A session with the president and the vice presidents, where employees could interact with each other. In addition, the lobby of the event venue, DID, was decorated with messages of gratitude from employees to each other.


An official from Kookmin University said, “We planned this event to lead a positive and energetic organizational culture by creating various events and programs that employees can enjoy and participate in,” adding, “We will continue to develop into a university that creates its development direction and vision with employees.”




This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns.

If you find any, please send your feedback to so we can correct them.


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President JEONG, SEUNG RYUL hosts 78th anniversary staff concert

Date 2024-10-16 Hit 2259



Kookmin University (President JEONG, SEUNG RYUL) held a talk concert for employees on Friday, October 11, as part of the KMU PRIDE WEEK weekly events to celebrate the 78th anniversary of its founding. The event was attended by President JEONG, SEUNG RYUL, vice presidents, deans, and more than 300 staff members, and was warmly received.


President JEONG, SEUNG RYUL took the opportunity to review with employees the changes and innovations that have been made in the past year since his inauguration, and to express his gratitude to all employees for their hard work for the development of the university.







In his keynote speech, President JEONG,  expressed his gratitude, saying, “Although we are facing many difficulties due to the decline in the school-age population, the united efforts of the vice presidents and staff at the university headquarters to turn the crisis into an opportunity have enabled us to achieve many outstanding external achievements over the past year, including the S-grade for the University Innovation Support Project for the second consecutive year, the first-ever employment rate of 70.5%, entering the top 10 in the university brand evaluation, and recruiting the largest number of students (30.4%) for the autonomous selection system for majors in metropolitan universities.”


“Internally, many meaningful and substantial policies and systems have been developed,” Chung said, ‘In the area of faculty conditions, we have made efforts to build a more systematic space management and strengthen research competitiveness, and in the area of personnel management, we have made great efforts to design a personnel system that can be treated objectively and fairly.’ He also evaluated the past year.


He also highlighted three core values to focus on going forward: paradigm shift, internationalization, and infrastructure. “We need to make a paradigm shift in the direction of reorganizing the education system to be more consumer-centered, which will ultimately increase the branding value of the university,” said JEONG. ”We will continue to open bachelor's programs to strengthen the perception of the university as a university that is at the forefront of internationalization, and we will continue to develop infrastructure with the goal of building hardware that fits the diversifying software environment, and we will work together with our employees to overcome various difficulties.”


After the keynote speech, there was a Q&A session with the president and the vice presidents, where employees could interact with each other. In addition, the lobby of the event venue, DID, was decorated with messages of gratitude from employees to each other.


An official from Kookmin University said, “We planned this event to lead a positive and energetic organizational culture by creating various events and programs that employees can enjoy and participate in,” adding, “We will continue to develop into a university that creates its development direction and vision with employees.”




This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns.

If you find any, please send your feedback to so we can correct them.


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