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Kookmin University's Next Generation Telecommunications Business Center Hosts MANI Pop-Up Academy in Gwangju

  • 24.10.14 / 이정민
Date 2024-10-14 Hit 3845



Kookmin University (President JEONG, SEUNG RYUL)'s Next Generation Communication Business Unit (Director PARK,JUN-SEOK) will hold the “1st Gwangju MANI POP-UP Academy” at the Gwangju Artificial Intelligence Academy on four Saturdays from October 12 (Saturday) to November 2 (Saturday) as part of the Innovation Convergence University in High-tech Fields project sponsored by the Ministry of Education and the National Research Foundation of Korea.



The Next Generation Communication Innovation Convergence University Consortium (Consortium) is comprised of five universities - Kookmin University, Seoul National University, Ulsan National University of Science and Technology, Chonnam National University, and Korea Aerospace University - and the city of Gwangju, and is promoting various educational projects in cooperation with each other with the goal of fostering innovative talents in the field of next-generation communication.






The Gwangju Mani Pop-up Academy is an educational event held in the form of a pop-up academy in Gwangju that provides educational contents in the field of next-generation communications developed in the Next-Generation Communication Innovation Convergence University project.



The event is based on the field of next-generation communication, and various lectures on cutting-edge fields ranging from future mobility, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, which are major high-tech business fields in Gwangju, will be delivered by current faculty members of the Next Generation Communication Consortium. The academy is open to all Gwangju citizens, including high school students, the general public, and employees, who are interested in high-tech fields.



The first event will be held on Saturday, October 12, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Gwangju Artificial Intelligence Academy, with lectures on “Understanding the Internet of Things” (Prof. Young-gil Kim, Seoul National University), “Understanding Next-Generation Communication Systems and SDR” (Prof. Young-min Kim, Seoul National University), “Propagation Technology Learned by Sound” (Prof. Byung-joon Jang, Kookmin University), and “OSI 7 Layer from the Principle” (Prof. Tae-joon Park, Chonnam National University).



Pre-registration for the Gwangju Mani Pop-up Academy began on Monday, September 30, and on-site registration is also available. You can find out how to pre-apply for the Gwangju Mani Pop-up Academy and the lecture schedule on the Kookmin University Next Generation Communication Business Center website (




This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns.

If you find any, please send your feedback to so we can correct them.


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Kookmin University's Next Generation Telecommunications Business Center Hosts MANI Pop-Up Academy in Gwangju

Date 2024-10-14 Hit 3845



Kookmin University (President JEONG, SEUNG RYUL)'s Next Generation Communication Business Unit (Director PARK,JUN-SEOK) will hold the “1st Gwangju MANI POP-UP Academy” at the Gwangju Artificial Intelligence Academy on four Saturdays from October 12 (Saturday) to November 2 (Saturday) as part of the Innovation Convergence University in High-tech Fields project sponsored by the Ministry of Education and the National Research Foundation of Korea.



The Next Generation Communication Innovation Convergence University Consortium (Consortium) is comprised of five universities - Kookmin University, Seoul National University, Ulsan National University of Science and Technology, Chonnam National University, and Korea Aerospace University - and the city of Gwangju, and is promoting various educational projects in cooperation with each other with the goal of fostering innovative talents in the field of next-generation communication.






The Gwangju Mani Pop-up Academy is an educational event held in the form of a pop-up academy in Gwangju that provides educational contents in the field of next-generation communications developed in the Next-Generation Communication Innovation Convergence University project.



The event is based on the field of next-generation communication, and various lectures on cutting-edge fields ranging from future mobility, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, which are major high-tech business fields in Gwangju, will be delivered by current faculty members of the Next Generation Communication Consortium. The academy is open to all Gwangju citizens, including high school students, the general public, and employees, who are interested in high-tech fields.



The first event will be held on Saturday, October 12, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Gwangju Artificial Intelligence Academy, with lectures on “Understanding the Internet of Things” (Prof. Young-gil Kim, Seoul National University), “Understanding Next-Generation Communication Systems and SDR” (Prof. Young-min Kim, Seoul National University), “Propagation Technology Learned by Sound” (Prof. Byung-joon Jang, Kookmin University), and “OSI 7 Layer from the Principle” (Prof. Tae-joon Park, Chonnam National University).



Pre-registration for the Gwangju Mani Pop-up Academy began on Monday, September 30, and on-site registration is also available. You can find out how to pre-apply for the Gwangju Mani Pop-up Academy and the lecture schedule on the Kookmin University Next Generation Communication Business Center website (




This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns.

If you find any, please send your feedback to so we can correct them.


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