Department of Sports Health and Rehabilitation, College of Physical Education, signs MOU with Jeongneung Senior Welfare Center
- 24.10.14 / 이정민
On September 27, the Department of Sports Health and Rehabilitation at Kookmin University's College of Physical Education and the Jeongneung Silver Welfare Center signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to promote sports welfare for the elderly and foster local talent. Through the agreement, the two organizations will cooperate in developing programs to promote the sports welfare of the elderly in the community and promote related educational and research activities.
The Jeongneung Silver Welfare Center is an elderly welfare center operated by the Sunlight Welfare Foundation, a social welfare corporation, on behalf of Seongbuk-gu, and strives to provide appropriate services to the local elderly living in Seongbuk-gu so that they can lead a rewarding and vibrant life. In addition, the center provides various social services for the independence and rehabilitation of low-income seniors to contribute to their stable old age and create a community atmosphere where they can live together. Through this business agreement, Jeongneung Silver Welfare Center will cooperate with the Department of Sports Health and Rehabilitation to develop and operate programs to promote sports welfare for the elderly and foster local talent, and provide field training opportunities for students of the Department of Sports Health and Rehabilitation to participate in sports instruction and education for the elderly.
Dr. JiHyun Chun, professor of sports health and rehabilitation, said, “Through the business agreement with Jeongneung Silver Welfare Center, we hope to contribute to the development of sports welfare for the elderly in the community by creating synergy between senior welfare and education. The collaboration between the two organizations will enhance intergenerational exchanges between the elderly and students in the community and take the lead in creating a community that lives together.”
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Department of Sports Health and Rehabilitation, College of Physical Education, signs MOU with Jeongneung Senior Welfare Center |
On September 27, the Department of Sports Health and Rehabilitation at Kookmin University's College of Physical Education and the Jeongneung Silver Welfare Center signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to promote sports welfare for the elderly and foster local talent. Through the agreement, the two organizations will cooperate in developing programs to promote the sports welfare of the elderly in the community and promote related educational and research activities.
Dr. JiHyun Chun, professor of sports health and rehabilitation, said, “Through the business agreement with Jeongneung Silver Welfare Center, we hope to contribute to the development of sports welfare for the elderly in the community by creating synergy between senior welfare and education. The collaboration between the two organizations will enhance intergenerational exchanges between the elderly and students in the community and take the lead in creating a community that lives together.”