News Plus

Completion of mobile web service renewal

  • 11.05.13 / 박채형
Date 2011-05-13 Hit 42176

Kookmin University's PR team started iPhone and Android web services in accordance with smart phone users' demand by starting a mobile web service on the 26thof July, 2010.They acknowledged the many requests and opinions and UI/UX improvements through Kookmin University's homepage. Finally, the renewal was completed on the mobile web the 15thof April.

After the mobile web service opened, users have been increasing steadily. During the first 126days, about 2100 people accessed it and used the over 100 hundred pages of information. If we maintain these web users this could become a main information channel.

The first component of the mobile web renewal wasthe UI/UX's improvement to convey notices and "New& Hot", which is the highest service available. You can check "New & Hot" articles and notices directly from the main homepage and change their service screen depending on your devices' environment; for example: iPad and Galaxy tap.

The second component is the mobile web's standardization and slim design to use services smoothly. We made the service work perfectly with any smart devices, modulated the image resolution and designed slim contents mainly using CSS texts instead of reducing the frequency of use. The third component is the expansion of service menus. We added the colleges and the graduate school's information for easy use and input more information such as the semester plan for the colleges, social information and school bus schedules for students.


The previous mobile web service used design not compatible with other schools and based core services as the order of priority, while this renewal is based on convenience and expansion;a mobile web site, whichcan be changed quickly in the future.

After the stabilization work of the mobile website renewal, we are planning to renew iPhone and Android taps and are expanding services based on the many demands of Kookmin's people.

Completion of mobile web service renewal

Date 2011-05-13 Hit 42176

Kookmin University's PR team started iPhone and Android web services in accordance with smart phone users' demand by starting a mobile web service on the 26thof July, 2010.They acknowledged the many requests and opinions and UI/UX improvements through Kookmin University's homepage. Finally, the renewal was completed on the mobile web the 15thof April.

After the mobile web service opened, users have been increasing steadily. During the first 126days, about 2100 people accessed it and used the over 100 hundred pages of information. If we maintain these web users this could become a main information channel.

The first component of the mobile web renewal wasthe UI/UX's improvement to convey notices and "New& Hot", which is the highest service available. You can check "New & Hot" articles and notices directly from the main homepage and change their service screen depending on your devices' environment; for example: iPad and Galaxy tap.

The second component is the mobile web's standardization and slim design to use services smoothly. We made the service work perfectly with any smart devices, modulated the image resolution and designed slim contents mainly using CSS texts instead of reducing the frequency of use. The third component is the expansion of service menus. We added the colleges and the graduate school's information for easy use and input more information such as the semester plan for the colleges, social information and school bus schedules for students.


The previous mobile web service used design not compatible with other schools and based core services as the order of priority, while this renewal is based on convenience and expansion;a mobile web site, whichcan be changed quickly in the future.

After the stabilization work of the mobile website renewal, we are planning to renew iPhone and Android taps and are expanding services based on the many demands of Kookmin's people.