News Plus

Establishment of Live English Program: Exchange between students from international universities through RTES

  • 11.05.13 / 박채형
Date 2011-05-13 Hit 42976


Kookmin University has started a new "Live English Program" which allows students participate in live interaction with students from international universities using the RTES (Real-time Two-way Education System).


"Live English Program" gives you a chance to step out of Korea and debate the issues rising in the world with undergraduate and graduate students from different countries. Live English Program educates students to have international spirit, to increase intimacy and to get rid of fear toward English in order to ultimately start using their English ability in real-life circumstances.


We have already completed contracts with some of our international partners such as the University of Hawaii at Manoa and Hawaii Pacific University. We also have plans to expand international exchange with universities in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and many others.


On March 30, students from the University of Hawaii and Hawaii Pacific University participated in the first demonstration of this program with students from KMU International School (KIS) through the assistance of RTES with great success. Exchange lectures with the support of RTES are going to be linked with KF Global e-School and expand borders beyond just the United States.


"Live English Program" is operating 2-3 times per week for the first semester of 2011 and will increase in duration during second semester of this year. In addition, we have prepared classrooms in Bugak Hall and the College of Engineering for the program. In those classrooms, students can listen to lectures and participate in debates at any time.



Establishment of Live English Program: Exchange between students from international universities through RTES

Date 2011-05-13 Hit 42976


Kookmin University has started a new "Live English Program" which allows students participate in live interaction with students from international universities using the RTES (Real-time Two-way Education System).


"Live English Program" gives you a chance to step out of Korea and debate the issues rising in the world with undergraduate and graduate students from different countries. Live English Program educates students to have international spirit, to increase intimacy and to get rid of fear toward English in order to ultimately start using their English ability in real-life circumstances.


We have already completed contracts with some of our international partners such as the University of Hawaii at Manoa and Hawaii Pacific University. We also have plans to expand international exchange with universities in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and many others.


On March 30, students from the University of Hawaii and Hawaii Pacific University participated in the first demonstration of this program with students from KMU International School (KIS) through the assistance of RTES with great success. Exchange lectures with the support of RTES are going to be linked with KF Global e-School and expand borders beyond just the United States.


"Live English Program" is operating 2-3 times per week for the first semester of 2011 and will increase in duration during second semester of this year. In addition, we have prepared classrooms in Bugak Hall and the College of Engineering for the program. In those classrooms, students can listen to lectures and participate in debates at any time.