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Architecture major, Yoon Hee Kim from Kookmin University, received the grand prize at the 28th Space International Stude

  • 11.03.22 / 박채형
Date 2011-03-22 Hit 42851

The Space International Students Architectonic Award is a contest exhibit which researches and enlarges the concept of Architecture through a subject every year. Byoung Soo Cho who is a judge this year has suggested a way of building, living, and pulling down, as a way to keep moving forward with the assignment: "Research about a Small House."

This prize of architecture has enrolled total 735 teams and 20 teams got into the semifinals and 10 teams competed in the finals. Those in the shortlist are one international team and 9 local teams.

Yun Hee Kim won a prize submitting a work with the title: 'Breathing House.'

Judge, Byoung Soo Cho, said, "Breathing House" is the very best example of how to explain our subject and that is that country's house's are made of a vinyl greenhouse which is easy to find in a country with minimum materials. I'm impressed this part which copes with weather such as wind and direction of sunshine according to a combine way of 4 cubes '2*2*2m.'

Exterior materials that were suggested to be made out of cotton underneath and vinyl are not only effective in insulating, but also very useful to block the sunshine. Also, a solution is an attractive solution to control wind, shine, and privacy using a simple partition such as ply wood and louver. Incedintely, actual experimentation is insufficient as the structure looks weak and there are no suggestions about a restroom, kitchen, and making an actual model could look weak as well. However, well designed buildings do not just end with the building itself, but also of how good questions about the cultural relationship with the land, the appropriateness of reform etc., It is only through these questions that knowledge is gained by the questions that are asked.

28th international prize-winning works are going to be exhibited in online through this website.

Architecture major, Yoon Hee Kim from Kookmin University, received the grand prize at the 28th Space International Stude

Date 2011-03-22 Hit 42851

The Space International Students Architectonic Award is a contest exhibit which researches and enlarges the concept of Architecture through a subject every year. Byoung Soo Cho who is a judge this year has suggested a way of building, living, and pulling down, as a way to keep moving forward with the assignment: "Research about a Small House."

This prize of architecture has enrolled total 735 teams and 20 teams got into the semifinals and 10 teams competed in the finals. Those in the shortlist are one international team and 9 local teams.

Yun Hee Kim won a prize submitting a work with the title: 'Breathing House.'

Judge, Byoung Soo Cho, said, "Breathing House" is the very best example of how to explain our subject and that is that country's house's are made of a vinyl greenhouse which is easy to find in a country with minimum materials. I'm impressed this part which copes with weather such as wind and direction of sunshine according to a combine way of 4 cubes '2*2*2m.'

Exterior materials that were suggested to be made out of cotton underneath and vinyl are not only effective in insulating, but also very useful to block the sunshine. Also, a solution is an attractive solution to control wind, shine, and privacy using a simple partition such as ply wood and louver. Incedintely, actual experimentation is insufficient as the structure looks weak and there are no suggestions about a restroom, kitchen, and making an actual model could look weak as well. However, well designed buildings do not just end with the building itself, but also of how good questions about the cultural relationship with the land, the appropriateness of reform etc., It is only through these questions that knowledge is gained by the questions that are asked.

28th international prize-winning works are going to be exhibited in online through this website.