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Dongdaemun-gu Carbon Neutral Support Center, a member of the Industry-Academia Cooperation Center, held the first phase dismissal ceremony and the second phase launching ceremony of CLIYUS

  • 24.08.02 / 박서연
Date 2024-08-02 Hit 4936









The Dongdaemun-gu Carbon Neutrality Support Center (Min Byung Woong, Director), which is affiliated with Woori University's Industry-Academia Cooperation Center, held the first termination ceremony and the second term launching ceremony of Climate Youth (the center's climate youth volunteer program) on July 24 (Wed) at the 3rd floor conference room of the headquarters building. The event was attended by the first and second batch of volunteers and Center officials.



The 30 members of the first group have volunteered about 800 hours of carbon neutralization activities in the building over the past six months since its inception on January 29th. The second batch of volunteers will carry out various activities in the areas of public relations, campaigns, education, and nature conservation until December this year. The second group is composed of 25 university students who are majoring in environment-related majors or are interested in carbon neutrality. 



"It will be more rewarding and fulfilling when the members have novel ideas and activities for actual carbon neutrality activities beyond just accumulating specifications. We will communicate and support the members in their activities. We look forward to your interest and support." said Oh Seo In student.



Min Byung Woong, head of the Carbon Neutrality Support Center in Dongdaemun-gu, said, "I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the members of the first Climate Youth for their hard work over the past six months. We welcome the members of the second class and look forward to creating a carbon-neutral site as the protagonists of the future generation." 





This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns.

If you find any, please send your feedback to so we can correct them.


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Dongdaemun-gu Carbon Neutral Support Center, a member of the Industry-Academia Cooperation Center, held the first phase dismissal ceremony and the second phase launching ceremony of CLIYUS

Date 2024-08-02 Hit 4936









The Dongdaemun-gu Carbon Neutrality Support Center (Min Byung Woong, Director), which is affiliated with Woori University's Industry-Academia Cooperation Center, held the first termination ceremony and the second term launching ceremony of Climate Youth (the center's climate youth volunteer program) on July 24 (Wed) at the 3rd floor conference room of the headquarters building. The event was attended by the first and second batch of volunteers and Center officials.



The 30 members of the first group have volunteered about 800 hours of carbon neutralization activities in the building over the past six months since its inception on January 29th. The second batch of volunteers will carry out various activities in the areas of public relations, campaigns, education, and nature conservation until December this year. The second group is composed of 25 university students who are majoring in environment-related majors or are interested in carbon neutrality. 



"It will be more rewarding and fulfilling when the members have novel ideas and activities for actual carbon neutrality activities beyond just accumulating specifications. We will communicate and support the members in their activities. We look forward to your interest and support." said Oh Seo In student.



Min Byung Woong, head of the Carbon Neutrality Support Center in Dongdaemun-gu, said, "I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the members of the first Climate Youth for their hard work over the past six months. We welcome the members of the second class and look forward to creating a carbon-neutral site as the protagonists of the future generation." 





This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns.

If you find any, please send your feedback to so we can correct them.


View original article [click]