News Plus

Kookmin University signs business agreement with Seoul National University

  • 24.05.20 / 박서연
Date 2024-05-20 Hit 5470









The two universities will cooperate in exchanges in the fields of education and research in order to proactively respond to the changes of the times and grow and develop into a world-class university.


The main contents of the agreement are ▲ interchange of professors and research personnel ▲ joint curriculum operation, exchange of students (including graduate students) and mutual credit recognition ▲ joint research and academic conferences ▲ mutual exchange of academic materials, publications, and information ▲ joint use of laboratories, research equipment, and facilities ▲ mutual cooperation in business cooperation, including national projects to create a sharing and cooperation ecosystem. Kookmin University and Seoul National University have been working together to develop higher education and foster future talent in the region, and through this agreement, they plan to further expand exchanges and cooperation in the fields of education and research. 





This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns.
If you find any, please send your feedback to so we can correct them.


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Kookmin University signs business agreement with Seoul National University

Date 2024-05-20 Hit 5470









The two universities will cooperate in exchanges in the fields of education and research in order to proactively respond to the changes of the times and grow and develop into a world-class university.


The main contents of the agreement are ▲ interchange of professors and research personnel ▲ joint curriculum operation, exchange of students (including graduate students) and mutual credit recognition ▲ joint research and academic conferences ▲ mutual exchange of academic materials, publications, and information ▲ joint use of laboratories, research equipment, and facilities ▲ mutual cooperation in business cooperation, including national projects to create a sharing and cooperation ecosystem. Kookmin University and Seoul National University have been working together to develop higher education and foster future talent in the region, and through this agreement, they plan to further expand exchanges and cooperation in the fields of education and research. 





This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns.
If you find any, please send your feedback to so we can correct them.


View original article [click]