Kookmin University and Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Uzbekistan, signed a reciprocal agreement for a dual degree program
- 24.05.13 / 박서연
Kookmin University (President Jeong Seung Ryul) signed a mutual agreement with Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT) in Uzbekistan on April 30 (Tuesday) to conduct a dual degree program.
The signing ceremony was attended by Kookmin President Kim Ji Yong, Jeong Seung Ryul, and Kim Byoung Joon, Head of the Global Business Division, as well as Uzbekistan's Deputy Minister of Digital Technologies Karimzon Orimonhozich and TUIT Vice Rector Jamshid Sultanov.
Through this agreement, Kookmin University and TUIT will operate a Dual Degree program that allows students to simultaneously earn degrees from both universities if they complete the curriculum run independently by both universities in accordance with the regulations and meet the graduation requirements of each university.
Kookmin University, with its strengths in business IT and governance, has been engaged with the Uzbek government and TUIT in its efforts to foster innovative talent for the digital economy and build a new model of higher education through university-industry collaboration. In October of last year, KU signed an MOU with TUIT and Microsoft Korea to build a global digital campus.
With the support of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)'s 'Business Information Technology (IT) Education Capacity Building Project for Tashkent University of Information and Communication Technologies', Kookmin University will establish and operate a new Business IT Department at TUIT to foster the next generation of IT leaders in Uzbekistan, and establish a job placement and startup system through industry-academia cooperation.
“We are pleased that Kookmin University, which is globally recognized in the field of business IT and governance, and TUIT, the leading IT higher education institution in Uzbekistan, will be able to operate a dual degree program,” said Kookmin University President Jeong Seung Ryul. “We will continue to promote dual degree programs with various overseas universities to foster global talents who will be active in various fields around the world.”
This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns.
Kookmin University and Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Uzbekistan, signed a reciprocal agreement for a dual degree program |
Kookmin University (President Jeong Seung Ryul) signed a mutual agreement with Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT) in Uzbekistan on April 30 (Tuesday) to conduct a dual degree program.