College of Physical Education - Graduate School of Education Physical Education Major, MOU with Amway Korea Future Foundation
- 24.04.16 / 박서연
On April 2, the College of Physical Education (Dean Jo Woog Yeon) and the Graduate School of Education (Professor kim Mee Hyang) held a signing ceremony with the Amway Korea Future Foundation at the Future Hall.
The Amway Korea Future Foundation supports the needs of local communities, including neighbors and children in need, and takes the lead in creating a healthy society for the vulnerable. Kookmin University's Physical Education and Graduate School of Education (majoring in physical education) are operating the Sports Social Contribution Group based on Kookmin's ability to develop and operate various educational programs and know-how in fostering field-oriented sports professionals.
Through this business agreement, the two institutions aim to create a healthy social culture and strengthen support for vulnerable groups. In particular, through the development of various sports programs, they will support the healthy growth and happy future of children who will lead the future and provide a foundation for sustainable life through sports.
This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns.
College of Physical Education - Graduate School of Education Physical Education Major, MOU with Amway Korea Future Foundation |
On April 2, the College of Physical Education (Dean Jo Woog Yeon) and the Graduate School of Education (Professor kim Mee Hyang) held a signing ceremony with the Amway Korea Future Foundation at the Future Hall.