News Plus

Kookmin University to Hold Electric Degree Conferral Ceremony for 2023

Alumna Lee Hyo-Ri Encourages Students to

  • 24.03.06 / 박서연
Date 2024-03-06 Hit 2033






Kookmin University (President Jeong Seung Ryul) held its 2023 graduation ceremony on Wednesday, February 14, at Kookmin University Concert Hall. The ceremony was attended by university officials and parents, and 2,444 bachelors, 741 masters, and 89 doctoral students received their degrees.


In his congratulatory remarks, President Jeong Seung Ryul said, "It is in the DNA of our university that we do not accept the trials we will encounter in life as obstacles, but as stepping stones," and encouraged the students to "go out into the world with confidence, remembering that success is not defined by wealth and fame, but by the impact you have on others and your contribution to society."


"Wherever you go and whatever you do in the future, I hope you will continue to grow and inspire others as a challenging citizen, and your alma mater will always support and cheer you on," he said.


Alumnus Lee hyo-ri '98, a theater and film major in the Faculty of Performing Arts, participated as a congratulatory speaker and encouraged the juniors. "It is not anyone but yourself who cherishes you more than anyone else and guides you correctly, and it is the voice of your own heart that you should listen to more than anyone else's words," she said. "Go forward as you are, hand in hand with your own self, who recognizes and loves you."


He also encouraged the juniors, saying, "If you live your life without leaning on anyone or being comforted, you will meet important connections, and you will be comforted for a while, and you will go on your way without regret." "If you experience a lot of bumps and bruises, you will be able to create your own story," he said. 


Alumna Lee hyo-ri performed her hit song "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Bang" live to the delight of the audience. The attendees cheered enthusiastically for the performance and had a valuable meeting time between seniors and juniors.








Congratulatory message from Kookmin University President Jeong Seung Ryul







Distinguished guests, professors, graduates, family and friends


First of all, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the stars of this day: our graduates. I am so proud of you because I know how much sweat, hard work, passion, and perseverance you have put in to reach this moment. 


I would like to recognize the hard work of your parents and family members who have stood by your side, supported you, and watched over you to get to where you are today. 


Your time and experiences at KU have shaped you into the talented and world-changing individuals you are today, but it is the DNA of KU that has been instilled in you beyond your academic achievements that will truly guide you in the many endeavors you will undertake in the years to come. It is the DNA of our school that allows you to turn the trials you encounter at the corners of life into stepping stones, not just stumbling blocks.


Remember, success is not defined by wealth and fame, but by the impact you have on others and the contribution you make to society. You are already a world changer. As a graduate of KU, you have the knowledge, attitudes, and values to make a positive difference in the world, so walk through our doors and go forth. However, we hope that empathy, humility, and integrity will underlie everything you do and that you will never forget the importance of kindness, caring, and community. 


As you embark on the next chapter of your life, perhaps the greatest conflict you will face is the battle with yourself. There will always be two selves in your heart: the diligent me and the lazy me, the righteous me and the unrighteous me, the true me and the false me, the brave me and the cowardly me, and so on. When the better me can defeat the not-so-better me, you will be able to dream bigger and achieve your goals. Wherever you choose to go and whatever you choose to do in the future, I hope you will continue to grow and be a challenging citizen* who can inspire others. Your alma mater will always support and cheer you on. 


I'm going to keep my congratulatory remarks short today because we have a special guest coming up next, and he is one of those challenging Kookmin*s whose challenge is still ongoing, and who is beloved by many. I am sure it will be a time to remind you of the DNA of Kookmin University.


Once again, my heartfelt congratulations to all of you graduates.


Thank you.






Congratulations from Alumna Lee Hyo-Ri




Dear Kookmin University alumni. My name is Lee Hyo-Ri.
Congratulations on your graduation.


Despite the fact that there are many great graduating seniors, 
I would like to thank you for inviting me to this ceremony and making me feel so welcome.


It's been a long time since I've been here, and I realized that our school is located in a very beautiful place. I can see the gorgeous trunk of Bukhak Mountain, which I didn't see when I was younger, and the clear, crisp air feels exceptionally cool.


I entered Kookmin University's Department of Theater and Film 26 years ago with the dream of becoming a "famous person" rather than an actor.
At that time, I wasn't particularly good at acting, 
I was an ordinary student who wasn't particularly good at acting. 
I was just an ordinary student.
That hasn't changed much since then, but I was lucky enough to make my debut in the entertainment industry and am still loved and active today.


It took me eight years to graduate from college. 
I don't know if I deserve to be in front of you.
but I'm going to brag about being a little bit older than you.
Actually, this is my first time giving a speech in front of a group of people, so I looked up the word speech in the Korean dictionary to see what it is.


According to the dictionary, a speech is 
"a statement of one's attention, argument, or opinion in front of a group of people." 
It said.


Attention. Claim. Opinion.


But what I don't really like is
is when someone tells me their attention, assertion, or opinion.
I especially don't like it when they say them at length.


At first I can just listen, but after a few repetitions 
I don't want to hear that person. 


"You are you, and I am me, 
why the hell should I listen to your diatribe?"
I think I've always had that thought in my head.


I've met people like that in my social life, but none of them have made much of an impact on me.


Rather, they put aside their self-centeredness and assertiveness, 
People who put aside their own attention and claims.
They don't lecture you with words, 
but by living their lives.
resonated more with me.


So I don't want to give you a speech here.
You're not going to hear it anyway.


Not from your loving parents, not from your best friends,
or even the words of great saints like Confucius, Mencius, Buddha. 
great saints like Confucius, Mencius, Buddha. 
Why would we listen to somebody who's famous and talks about something?


Guys, just live your lives the way you want to.
You're the one who cares about you and guides you right. 
is you, not anyone else,
and it's your own heart that you need to listen to more than anyone else.
is the voice of your own heart.


If someone who seems better than me
May they lead me with wonderful words,
enlighten me, 
and make my life just a little bit easier. 


Because there are herds out there that feed off of that.
Don't fall prey to them.


"I'm weak," "I'm stupid," "I'm not good enough," "I can't do better." 
These negative voices are not yours.


Sure, I hear them every day and they shake me up and frustrate me, 
I'm starting to realize that the real me, the one beyond them, is screaming at the top of my lungs to be the best I can be. 


And that voice is 
is always telling me that it loves me, that it cares about me, that it loves me, that it wants me to always be better
to always be on a better path.


My friends. Please listen.
It may be too small to hear now
but if you have faith and try to listen. 
you'll feel it grow louder and louder.


Someone who accepts me, who loves me.
Hold hands with that friend inside of me
and just go with it.


Don't be swayed by all the nonsense that tries to pretend to be something it's not. 
to take advantage of you, 
And for the most part, don't trust anyone.
Be especially wary of anyone who comes up to you and says we're family. 


Don't lean on anyone for comfort, 
just "life is dokgoda." Think and go.

Befriend loneliness.


Sometimes you'll meet someone you really care about,
and then you'll be comforted for a while, 
and then you're on your way.


Words don't have much power. 
Only what you live and experience will be yours.
Get out there, get hit a lot, get hurt a lot, learn a lot.
So make your story real.


I'll be watching and cheering you on.


I thought I wrote this speech for you, 
but now that I read it, I feel like I wrote it to myself.
I think they're the words I need to hear right now.


So don't listen to anything I've said so far ^^.


I'm going to stop talking and sing a song. 


Music, please.






This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns.
If you find any, please send your feedback to so we can correct them.


View original article [click]


Kookmin University to Hold Electric Degree Conferral Ceremony for 2023

Alumna Lee Hyo-Ri Encourages Students to

Date 2024-03-06 Hit 2033






Kookmin University (President Jeong Seung Ryul) held its 2023 graduation ceremony on Wednesday, February 14, at Kookmin University Concert Hall. The ceremony was attended by university officials and parents, and 2,444 bachelors, 741 masters, and 89 doctoral students received their degrees.


In his congratulatory remarks, President Jeong Seung Ryul said, "It is in the DNA of our university that we do not accept the trials we will encounter in life as obstacles, but as stepping stones," and encouraged the students to "go out into the world with confidence, remembering that success is not defined by wealth and fame, but by the impact you have on others and your contribution to society."


"Wherever you go and whatever you do in the future, I hope you will continue to grow and inspire others as a challenging citizen, and your alma mater will always support and cheer you on," he said.


Alumnus Lee hyo-ri '98, a theater and film major in the Faculty of Performing Arts, participated as a congratulatory speaker and encouraged the juniors. "It is not anyone but yourself who cherishes you more than anyone else and guides you correctly, and it is the voice of your own heart that you should listen to more than anyone else's words," she said. "Go forward as you are, hand in hand with your own self, who recognizes and loves you."


He also encouraged the juniors, saying, "If you live your life without leaning on anyone or being comforted, you will meet important connections, and you will be comforted for a while, and you will go on your way without regret." "If you experience a lot of bumps and bruises, you will be able to create your own story," he said. 


Alumna Lee hyo-ri performed her hit song "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Bang" live to the delight of the audience. The attendees cheered enthusiastically for the performance and had a valuable meeting time between seniors and juniors.








Congratulatory message from Kookmin University President Jeong Seung Ryul







Distinguished guests, professors, graduates, family and friends


First of all, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the stars of this day: our graduates. I am so proud of you because I know how much sweat, hard work, passion, and perseverance you have put in to reach this moment. 


I would like to recognize the hard work of your parents and family members who have stood by your side, supported you, and watched over you to get to where you are today. 


Your time and experiences at KU have shaped you into the talented and world-changing individuals you are today, but it is the DNA of KU that has been instilled in you beyond your academic achievements that will truly guide you in the many endeavors you will undertake in the years to come. It is the DNA of our school that allows you to turn the trials you encounter at the corners of life into stepping stones, not just stumbling blocks.


Remember, success is not defined by wealth and fame, but by the impact you have on others and the contribution you make to society. You are already a world changer. As a graduate of KU, you have the knowledge, attitudes, and values to make a positive difference in the world, so walk through our doors and go forth. However, we hope that empathy, humility, and integrity will underlie everything you do and that you will never forget the importance of kindness, caring, and community. 


As you embark on the next chapter of your life, perhaps the greatest conflict you will face is the battle with yourself. There will always be two selves in your heart: the diligent me and the lazy me, the righteous me and the unrighteous me, the true me and the false me, the brave me and the cowardly me, and so on. When the better me can defeat the not-so-better me, you will be able to dream bigger and achieve your goals. Wherever you choose to go and whatever you choose to do in the future, I hope you will continue to grow and be a challenging citizen* who can inspire others. Your alma mater will always support and cheer you on. 


I'm going to keep my congratulatory remarks short today because we have a special guest coming up next, and he is one of those challenging Kookmin*s whose challenge is still ongoing, and who is beloved by many. I am sure it will be a time to remind you of the DNA of Kookmin University.


Once again, my heartfelt congratulations to all of you graduates.


Thank you.






Congratulations from Alumna Lee Hyo-Ri




Dear Kookmin University alumni. My name is Lee Hyo-Ri.
Congratulations on your graduation.


Despite the fact that there are many great graduating seniors, 
I would like to thank you for inviting me to this ceremony and making me feel so welcome.


It's been a long time since I've been here, and I realized that our school is located in a very beautiful place. I can see the gorgeous trunk of Bukhak Mountain, which I didn't see when I was younger, and the clear, crisp air feels exceptionally cool.


I entered Kookmin University's Department of Theater and Film 26 years ago with the dream of becoming a "famous person" rather than an actor.
At that time, I wasn't particularly good at acting, 
I was an ordinary student who wasn't particularly good at acting. 
I was just an ordinary student.
That hasn't changed much since then, but I was lucky enough to make my debut in the entertainment industry and am still loved and active today.


It took me eight years to graduate from college. 
I don't know if I deserve to be in front of you.
but I'm going to brag about being a little bit older than you.
Actually, this is my first time giving a speech in front of a group of people, so I looked up the word speech in the Korean dictionary to see what it is.


According to the dictionary, a speech is 
"a statement of one's attention, argument, or opinion in front of a group of people." 
It said.


Attention. Claim. Opinion.


But what I don't really like is
is when someone tells me their attention, assertion, or opinion.
I especially don't like it when they say them at length.


At first I can just listen, but after a few repetitions 
I don't want to hear that person. 


"You are you, and I am me, 
why the hell should I listen to your diatribe?"
I think I've always had that thought in my head.


I've met people like that in my social life, but none of them have made much of an impact on me.


Rather, they put aside their self-centeredness and assertiveness, 
People who put aside their own attention and claims.
They don't lecture you with words, 
but by living their lives.
resonated more with me.


So I don't want to give you a speech here.
You're not going to hear it anyway.


Not from your loving parents, not from your best friends,
or even the words of great saints like Confucius, Mencius, Buddha. 
great saints like Confucius, Mencius, Buddha. 
Why would we listen to somebody who's famous and talks about something?


Guys, just live your lives the way you want to.
You're the one who cares about you and guides you right. 
is you, not anyone else,
and it's your own heart that you need to listen to more than anyone else.
is the voice of your own heart.


If someone who seems better than me
May they lead me with wonderful words,
enlighten me, 
and make my life just a little bit easier. 


Because there are herds out there that feed off of that.
Don't fall prey to them.


"I'm weak," "I'm stupid," "I'm not good enough," "I can't do better." 
These negative voices are not yours.


Sure, I hear them every day and they shake me up and frustrate me, 
I'm starting to realize that the real me, the one beyond them, is screaming at the top of my lungs to be the best I can be. 


And that voice is 
is always telling me that it loves me, that it cares about me, that it loves me, that it wants me to always be better
to always be on a better path.


My friends. Please listen.
It may be too small to hear now
but if you have faith and try to listen. 
you'll feel it grow louder and louder.


Someone who accepts me, who loves me.
Hold hands with that friend inside of me
and just go with it.


Don't be swayed by all the nonsense that tries to pretend to be something it's not. 
to take advantage of you, 
And for the most part, don't trust anyone.
Be especially wary of anyone who comes up to you and says we're family. 


Don't lean on anyone for comfort, 
just "life is dokgoda." Think and go.

Befriend loneliness.


Sometimes you'll meet someone you really care about,
and then you'll be comforted for a while, 
and then you're on your way.


Words don't have much power. 
Only what you live and experience will be yours.
Get out there, get hit a lot, get hurt a lot, learn a lot.
So make your story real.


I'll be watching and cheering you on.


I thought I wrote this speech for you, 
but now that I read it, I feel like I wrote it to myself.
I think they're the words I need to hear right now.


So don't listen to anything I've said so far ^^.


I'm going to stop talking and sing a song. 


Music, please.






This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns.
If you find any, please send your feedback to so we can correct them.


View original article [click]